What is EFT?


EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques

It is also called Meridian Tapping, and it's an amazingly simple but powerful technique where you could change how you feel about something in a matter of minutes.  You could use it on tiredness, feeling overwhelmed, sadness - literally anything you are feeling.  You could also use it on physical symptoms of pain and illness. 

Here is a simple video showing you the tapping points and doing a short round of tapping to decrease stress:

It is empowering to change how you feel in a matter of minutes, and these changes are for good. If you think about a past event and there is kind of a "sting" to it, there may be stuck energy around it. With EFT, you could think of the same event and still acknowledge what happened, without it getting to you. 

Another wonderful aspect that I love about EFT is its gentleness. We don't have to wallow in the "problem."  We don't even have to say what it is if we don't want to. It can be given a code word i.e. "that thing that happened" or "the phone call" and without the practitioner knowing one tiny bit about what happened, the energy could be completely clear from the body's system.

Tapping Prompts to Change Your Energy & Your Weight

Short & Long Legnth Tapping Techniques for Transformation

Here is a story of how tapping resolved chronic neck pain after surgery. Click here to read.
Here is a link to the 30 Days of Tapping For Transformation course, with bite sized lessons to a life transforming habit. Click here for info.

"Hello Robin:
It's been a week since our tapping session. I'm very happy to tell you that I am off the sugar train. Yea!  I did not get the urge to get the am donut at work and I am not eating sugar (white, honey, brown or agave) at all at home. I still have the "tapping donut" in the refrigerator and until this moment, I forgot it was there! So, I think you can call the session a success!"
P.S. One thing I forgot to mention is that l dropped 2 lbs right away.  I don't recall that we tapped about weight, just making better food choices. I'm not overweight, but I feel better about 5 lbs less. I'm 60, post-menopause and weight just doesn't come off that easily. So, dropping 2 lbs in a week is a big deal!" ~ Nan, Windsor, CT

"I know when you spoke of my body working "so hard" to make me "be enough", I felt energy shoot through my body in all directions. I literally felt as if you "plugged me in!"  I could think of those same words for the next 2 days and feel the same reaction in my body, just to a lesser degree.... I haven't been very hungry at all and have eaten very little in the past 2 1/2 days."      ~  Rosie T. -  Reading, Pa.

"I felt a huge release of emotions. I sighed a lot during the session and did not realize what a big release occurred until you asked me to rate the emotion at the end of the session, and it was gone. I feel much less alone and overwhelmed with my circumstances'. ~ Sue P. - Sayville, NY

Dr. Peta Stapleton says in this TED talk, that EFT may be The Ultimate Stress Management Tool, because it is “unusually rapid and ½ the time and cost” of other therapies. It works because
1. It is body based, and stress is stored in the body
2. It works fast - one hour can change 72 genes and reduce cortisol by 24%
3. It updates the brain’s learning so the positive changes remain

Deepak Chopra, MD:
EFT offers great healing benefits.

Candace Pert, PhD, author of Molecules of Emotion:
EFT is at the forefront of the new healing movement.

Bruce Lipton, author of The Biology of Belief:
EFT is a simple, powerful process that can profoundly influence gene activity, health, and behavior.


What does scientific research say?

1. There have been over 80 energy psychology studies published in peer reviewed journals.
2. There have been 20 randomized control trials - the most rigourous scientific test
3. 98% of all these studies show that the energy psychology is highly effective

Click here for a through listing of published studies.

What is Matrix Reimprinting?

Matrix Reimprinting is a technique that uses EFT tapping to change subconscious beliefs, which then transforms the outer experiences in your life.

Matrix is another name for what physicists call the Quantum Field.
In 1944 Max Planck, the father of quantum theory, shocked the world by saying there is a ‘matrix’ of energy that provides the blueprint for our physical world.

Facts about Quantum Reality
-We are made up of energy that vibrates so fast we appear as solid matter
-We are connected to the Matrix by our thoughts and our hearts
-We attract life experiences by what we send out through our thoughts and feelings

Imprinting - the system by which humans take on the characteristics of their parents by observation and imitation.
Reimprinting - overwriting the original pattern; reprogramming, or installing a new operating program.

Our subconscious programs run 95%- 99% of our daily behavior, activities and habits. Many of our negative programs were imprinted in the first six years of life, when we are most impressionable and forming judgements about our world and ourselves.

These programs are encoded in images of the past events, held in our energy field, but regarded by our subconscious as current events. Eventually, when these negative programs cause enough stress, the body will try to adapt at a chemical, hormonal, cellular and DNA level. When this happens, we develop physical or psychological disease.

Matrix Reimprinting changes these images, thereby transforming emotional and physical health.

"Robin is my personal EFT guru. She is not only knowledgeable and gifted in her use of EFT with clients, but she knows how to present the tools in a way that is practical, accessible, and effective. She is my go-to referral source for EFT.  I often attend her workshops myself to hone my skills as a practicing energy psychologist. I can’t recommend her highly enough!"
~ Victoria Shaw, PhD., LPC, Wilton CT

Energy psychology is nothing less than the medicine of the future. These deceptively simple processes have the power to help you overcome the most debilitating of emotions, from grief to depression.
~Lynne McTaggart, author of The Field and The Bond

Negative beliefs, formed and held subconsciously during early childhood, need to be addressed if a person is to heal from stress-related issues in their life.
~Bruce H. Lipton PhD, author of The Biology of Belief

"Robin is an incredibly gifted practitioner.  I have sent many of my most difficult clients to her and she has always helped them tremendously."
~Lauren Lee Stone, PhD HHP, BCIH.  CornerStone Integrative Care, Wilton CT