
Robin Friedman is an Integrative Energy Practitioner whose passion is helping conscious, awakening people to rise above baffling blocks and live their fullest, most authentic lives. “When you clear energetic blocks and align vibrationally to the goals you have chosen, results happen with ease and grace.” With a background in Emotion Code, Body Code, IET, EFT, Matrix Reimprinting, SimplyAlign, Eden Energy Medicine, Reconnective Healing, Reiki, Hypnotherapy, Pranic Healing, and many others, Robin loves using all these tools and more to help people find their own authentic power.


I'd love to hear from you!

Robin Friedman
Portland, OR  97212
(203) 247-1318


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The Power of The Subconscious Mind
And the #1 Thing You Can Do to Influence It

I am fascinated by energy, the subconscious, the power of our thoughts, the hidden flow of energy in and through our bodies, and how it affects our lives. What’s on the INSIDE influences what we manifest on the OUTSIDE. As a coach using many modalities including EFT, Emotion Code and Body Code, Reconnective Healing, Matrix, and Hypnotherapy, I could help you if you are overwhelmed, scared, or stuck, to get free, to get your energy flowing, and to connect to your inspired life purpose.


Description of Services

My sessions typically last 50-90 minutes. I will ask you to write a short email about what you would like to work on.  If you have specified which modality you want, then that is how we will proceed.  Otherwise, I will use the modality or combination of modalities that I feel is best suited for you. I will instantly stop any procedure if you are not comfortable. I am also reasonably available by phone or email to answer questions or clarify instructions in between sessions. Please ask me any questions about anything that happens in our work together. I’m always willing to discuss how and why I’m doing what I’m doing.

Privacy Policy and Disclaimer

I take your privacy seriously and will never give, sell or trade your email address with anyone. If you enter your email address, you will receive my occasional newsletter, with a clear and simple unsubscribe button. By using this website, you consent to my privacy policy. If you have any questions regarding the privacy policy, please contact me.

I am not a licensed health or medical practitioner, and will never diagnose or promise to heal any condition. We will be working on our energy,  and by changing the energy, physical and mental changes usually occur, but as each person is different, there are no guaranteed outcomes. 

"Robin taught EFT at my Center. I referred clients to her for her workshops and private sessions and they felt the work with Robin was very beneficial. I also attended several of Robin’s workshops and found her to be an excellent teacher, making EFT accessible and useful to all."
 ~ JoAnn Inserra Duncan, MS, Reiki Master Teacher, Turning Point Healing Arts & Education Center, Ridgefield, CT