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Energy Clearing Circle - EFT - Who What Where When

Emotion Code™ & Body Code™

EFT - Who What Where When

Rapidly release the energetic charge and residue from specific memories using this technique. Easy enough for young children and powerful enough for traumas.

EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique, and it is also called Meridian Tapping. Based on ancient acupuncture and modern psychology, tapping on specific meridian points on the body and saying affirming statements aloud can help release blocked energy and clear negative thoughts. Tapping is effective for weight loss, relieving stress, reducing mood swings, relieving headaches, and more. The results are fast, and it is fun to do!

EFT has been proven successful in thousands of clinical cases, and it has been endorsed by notable experts, including Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. Bruce Lipton, and Dr. Joseph Mercola, just to name a few. Research into EFT has shown it to be effective in many conditions, including phobias, pain relief, weight loss and sports enhancement. It is easily learned by individuals, has no negative side effects, is inexpensive and self-empowering.

Research shows EFT can change DNA expression, radically reduce the stress hormone cortisol, and change the brain's pathways.

It works because:
1. It is body-based, and stress is stored in the body
(so sometimes unreachable by talk therapy alone)
2. It works fast - one hour can change 72 genes and reduce cortisol by 24%
6 sessions result in lack of PTSD symptoms vs.18 sessions traditional CBT
For test anxiety - 2 sessions EFT vs. 5 sessions of CBT
For food intervention - 8 weeks EFT comparable to 6 months CBT
3. It updates the brain's learning so the positive changes remain.
That's what we want - a permanent positive change, so the issue is no longer an issue!

I also like EFT because:
1. Anyone can do it
I've known two-year-olds and 90-year olds who tap.
2. It's portable
All you need are your fingertips, which are always with you.
3. It's self-empowering
It's great to know that you actually have the power to change how you feel about something, all by yourself.
4. It's free
Yes, you can go to a practitioner, but you can also hugely shift your life all by yourself.
5. It's fast
You can feel better in a few moments. Or you can do a deeper hour-long tapping session.
6. It's gentle
You never have to relive a traumatizing event, or feel worse, in order to feel better.
7. The improvement is cumulative
You can feel better and better day by day, and even tiny gains matter.
8. Allows health and spiritual growth
I believe that a clear emotional body is at the root of physical health and also spiritual growth.
9. A powerful tool for world peace.
The happier we are individually, the more peaceful our communities and our planet will be.

4-5 PM PT / 7-8 PM ET

About The Emotion Code™ & Body Code™ Energy Clearing Circle

Everything is energy. Every cell in your body has its own energetic frequency. Because we are energetic beings, these energies affect us down to the atomic level and have very real impacts on our physical and emotional health, including our experiences in life.

Using muscle testing or applied kinesiology, we can detect limiting beliefs, blocked emotions, and blocked energetic frequencies. Once identified, we can then help the subconscious mind to clear them so the negative emotions or limiting beliefs are released. This is a very gentle process that does not require you to re-experience any past traumas but rather leaves you feeling lighter.

Whatever we clear for one person in the group, will be cleared for everyone in the group. This works even if you watch the recorded session.

Join the Group

By joining the Energy Clearing Circle monthly membership, you have access to energy-clearing sessions covering multiple topics such as physical health, financial freedom, happy relationships, and living your life purpose.

Improve all aspects of your life with regular and continual energy clearings by joining the Energy Clearing Circle – you deserve to live your best life now!

Join the monthly group Energy Clearing Circle – $47/mo (cancel anytime)

How to Join

This is a live Zoom group class. You will receive a Zoom link via email when you join the class. You will receive a reminder via email a day before each class begins.