Gratitude Program: Raise your vibration, feel better, and be healthier, and happier!


Gratitude Program: Raise your vibration, feel better, and be healthier, and happier!


How to become happier and make life easier? Gratitude is the simplest, most effective way to raise your happiness set-point.

Study after study has shown that keeping a gratitude journal is one of the most powerful positive-thinking and happiness-increasing tools. Yet, we often start and stop - it gets boring, it is too much work, or we don’t see any results.

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This simple program is designed to get the powerful momentum of gratitude flowing, in a fun, easy enjoyable way. Every day you will get a new gratitude prompt on a new theme. So, it's not another unused book sitting on your shelf! Once you sign up, you will receive a daily email with a prompt to write a list of +/- 10 things that you feel grateful for, appreciate, or feel thankful for. There is a daily theme, such as 10 things I’m grateful for about my body, my home, teachers I have had, etc. and you can choose to either use our theme or your own inspiration.

Every day will also include a scientific study point of interest, a story of gratitude working, a quote - or an energy tool to boost your gratitude.

The Law of Attraction says that whatever we focus on, think about, or put our attention on - it will increase. By increasing our attention to things we are grateful for, we will attract more things to appreciate. We will all raise our vibration, feel better, and hopefully be healthier and happier. Our own vibration ripples out and affects many other people - our children, friends, and world will reap the benefits of our increased gratitude.

Writing down your gratitudes is one simple step you can take to raise your vibration, feel better, and be healthier and happier. Your gratitude raising will help make the world a better place, thank you!

David Hawkins says that the power of a few individuals can counterbalance the masses:
1 individual at level 300 counterbalances 90,000 people below the level of 200”
Feeling grateful or appreciative of someone or something in your life actually attracts more of the things that you appreciate and value into your life.” - Christiane Northrup, M.D.

What People Are Saying About the 30-Day Gratitude Project

Love that it makes me pause, look for the positive on so many levels, including things I don’t normally appreciate or notice. SER

I'm really glad I signed up for this class. Having my morning commitment to opening your email and reflecting on the suggested gratitude that day has been really helpful. C.R.

Hi Robin I am loving the daily gratitude opportunity. It has made me realize how fortunate I am. I still have 3 elderly parents/people in my life who bring me so much. I have changed my way of thinking towards them since the challenge. Just this morning I came to realize that they are a blessing, not a burden. They ask for little and provide a lot. For their presence in my life, I am truly grateful. - Love T.N.

Hi, Robin thank you. I'm really enjoying this process, especially enjoying things I'm grateful for coming to mind during the day in anticipation of making my list before bed. This process is on my list of things I'm grateful for in the last 2 weeks! All the very best, B.N.

I like leaving two pages in my journal for each day, each topic. I find that I often come back to them and add on. I’ll think of another person who passed who was such an influence or remember another gift that was so meaningful. It’s like gratitude is percolating in my brain. It is looking for things on its own to be grateful for! Thank you so much. R.J.

Thanks once, again, Robin. I finished it on my 59th birthday, a nice way to sum up this last year and move on to another one! S.R.

Our family has been going through a really challenging time, and this gratitude program has helped me keep on an even keel through it. Life can be hard, but I do see how much I have to be grateful for, thank you. M.F.

Day 13 - Love this one Robin – I could do just his every day and it would be great! R.R.

Good morning, Robin, I am convinced that the gratitude challenge had something to do with a satisfactory resolution with my daughter’s school about a dispute over the possible elimination of what we view as an essential communication program. So THANK YOU! S.R.