EFT Weight Program: Use Tapping for a Healthy Body Weight, Energy & Happiness


EFT Weight Program: Use Tapping for a Healthy Body Weight, Energy & Happiness


Take steps to care for yourself holistically with this month-long program that will bring you emotional and mental benefits that spiral out and make your lives happier. The program contains tapping prompts delivered straight to your inbox for 35 days which will lead you to form a healthy habit for yourself. These energy exercises and tapping prompts will help you strengthen and reprogram not only the physical aspects of yourself but also your mental and emotional ones to keep a happy and healthy body and weight.

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The other day I read this:
Nothing else will have such a positive effect on your life as taking care of ourselves and feeling great. Focus on the mental and emotional benefits. The good feelings spiral out and affect all areas of life.”

The other thing, besides taking care of ourselves, that has a profound effect and helps everything is tapping and energy work. I know that changing our energy can also have a HUGE rippling-out effect on everything in our life, including our health, body, and weight.
So, in the Tapping for Healthy Body and Weight program, you will be combining BOTH of these two most powerful things. You will take steps to care for yourself physically, and you will use tapping and other energy work.
Since we are complex physical, mental and emotional beings, we need to take all of these aspects into account. Most weight and body programs focus exclusively on the physical aspect. They teach fabulous information, but if we don’t deal with our internal programming, following a physical regimen can be too hard, and we end up not doing the things we know we should do.

We will incorporate all 3 - Emotional, Mental, and Physical in this program

Emotional - for the emotional aspect, we will be using EFT or tapping. (If you don’t know tapping already, email me for a starter kit, we won’t be covering it in our time together.) In my experience, underlying emotional issues are at the root of our body issues.
You will get a Daily 3-Minute Tapping delivered to your email inbox for about 35 days. You will receive 3 days of tapping prompts, then a day off, then 3 more days of tapping prompts, then another day off. This will allow the habit to build in your own system as you notice your own issues to work on, or a day to catch up. Nothing will be more powerful than establishing this habit for yourself!
The tappings won’t be a set script, but a tapping prompt. The suggestion is that you commit to at least tapping for 3 rounds a day. I prefer to do a tapping prompt, rather than a script because the “gold” is what comes up from your very own subconscious. Here you will be strengthening the communication between the subconscious and your conscious, as well as the “processor” for transforming it.

Mental - it is very common to see our own programming while tapping. “Oh! I didn’t realize that I feel naked and vulnerable when I’m slim.” Or, “I remember when my cousins made fun of Jill when she lost weight and said she was a show-off - I don’t want to be a show-off.”
For our mental reprogramming, we will be choosing our own thought or belief daily and using them throughout the day like a mantra. I will be giving a prompt, but once again, it is what comes up from your own subconscious mind that will be the GOLD that will bring you results.

Physical - We will be making a plan, carrying it out, and having some accountability with this. This again will be very individual depending on where each of us is. One person may choose to stop eating after dinner, another may have a food plan, and someone else may choose to eat mindfully and take a walk every day. We will talk more about this in the first session.
You can choose to be in an accountability group, or not. If you have your own friends you would like to be in a group with, let me know, otherwise, I will make random groups. From experience, I’ve found that groups of 3 (or 4) usually work better than just 2, but if you want to do it with one friend only, that is totally fine, just let me know. The first week we will email our accountability group every day how we did on our plan. Beginning the second week you can choose to keep emailing every day or go to every other day.

Two New Bonuses I’m adding in for the first time:

Energy Medicine Exercises
Each week, one new energy technique that will adjust your energetic system will be presented. For example, did you know that Donna Eden took off 14 pounds just by strengthening Spleen Meridian? In under 1 minute a day, you can strengthen your spleen meridian.
And if you typically gain weight around your midsection, there’s a good chance that the energy there is blocked. You will learn a simple method, also under 1 minute - and fun - to make sure it is flowing, which will also help your creativity.

Individual Personal Food Craving Release by Emotion Code
Submit your food craving to be released, and I will find out what in your subconscious and energy field is keeping these stuck. This will be done either in the live classes or remotely if you can’t attend live. It's amazing how releasing trapped emotions and beliefs will suddenly lead to no interest in that food!

When we change our thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and energy field, the outside changes will follow easily and naturally. Change will not be from struggle, but from inspiration. These self-empowering tools and ideas can be used for the rest of your life, in a variety of situations.

I have a Certification in EFT, EFT for Weight Loss, Emotion Code, Body Code, NLP Coaching, Matrix Reimprinting, Hypnotherapy, and have completed the Foundational Studies in Eden Energy Medicine, and am a life-long learner and lover of “Things that Work.”

Here are some experiences past participants have shared:

Powerful work
Thank you Robin, It was such powerful work. I felt buzzing with energy and smiles, joy…Wow. -C

It’s SO much easier to be ME!
Hi, Robin, Thank you for the opportunity to participate in your program. I’ve found it to be very interesting and engaging as we go along. Today’s tapping exercise was particularly enlightening for with an incredibly deep topic that arose. I started tapping on “it’s hard…” and had an aha moment that I have been trying to please everyone else all my life instead of being myself. It’s hard to try and please so many different people for the sake of acceptance, which actually is tied to “life is hard”. With this realization that I haven’t allowed myself to be “me” all my life, it explains hardship at every turn. It’s SO much easier to be ME! Long tapping story short, because of this experience, I’m on the path of self-love and allowing myself to be me. -K.S.

I am free to be me and enjoy me the slim, energetic, happy, free, kind, prosperous me
Day 18 - Today I discovered cooking was an important part of my childhood and teen years. It was my way to shine in my family. I mostly made desserts and I felt the love and appreciation of those I served. That continued in marriage. My mom was famous for her cooking and hospitality. My home was always welcoming and I enjoyed baking cinnamon rolls, desserts and meals for guests. I choose to be loved and appreciated by being an exceptional listener, by encouraging and uplifting others, by blossoming myself and others to be their best. By my generosity and gift giving. By my leadership and business skills. By being an amazing networker and team builder. I release the hold food has on me. I release my need to eat and eat and hold on to fat. I am free to be me and enjoy me the slim, energetic, happy, free, kind, prosperous me. - Marian P

I feel lighter already! - M.K.

Wonderful delivery of the course
Dear Robin , Thank you for the wonderful delivery of the course. The mantra that I loved and I will use on a daily basis is feeling fabulous, free and focused. Thank you for helping me along the journey. - D.S.

I'm more accepting of my body now
Thank you so much for this Robin. This has been so helpful. I've found that I'm more accepting of my body now and appreciate the beauty in it. I rarely eat sweet things any more & when I do it's no big deal. I feel no desire to eat the whole packet! - J.B.

I truly enjoyed the daily word choice from the alphabet and sharing with my support person every day. I will continue to select a word from the alphabet because it inspires my creative energy and brings me daily focus. -K.

Eating is a comfort and I feel loved.
Aha. Food was special in my home because my mom was an amazing hostess and I feel proud and happy when I cook and am a hostess like mom. Eating is a comfort and I feel loved. I have loved every assignment and plan to repeat them when I finish. - M.

There is so much creativity, depth and thought that went behind every detail of this beautiful programme
So many deep shifts that is hard to quantify. The ABC's and a phrase or couple of words each day stayed with me all day and beyond. The questions of what if, how come, why do I feel so vibrant added a playful dimension and enhanced the compassion and child-like curiosity I felt was being fostered. - O.G.

I’ve loved this programme
I’m still using the conscious questions. One will pop into my head almost unbidden & find myself asking myself the question, “why am I so good at closing the cupboard when I want to nibble?” or “why am I so mindful of my ‘full button’?” Or “why do I find it easy to say kind things to myself?” I did miss some of the days so I’m going to do the program again. J.

The course was enlightening and grounding in ways that we forget to be on a daily basis. K.